What is A Biblical Worldview?

It has been said that everyone has a worldview, whether they are aware of it or not.  Simply explained, a worldview is one’s view of life, stemming from personal convictions, assumptions, and interpretations of the world.  With this in mind, it is impossible to have neutral education.

Gregg Strawbridge explains, “It is simply educationally unavoidable that world and life view values are communicated, both in what is stated and what is implied.”  He then illustrates the difference between a secular and biblical worldview education as this:  “A Christian worldview, in comparison to non-Christian worldviews, requires that every area of life be committed to Christ, sanctified under His lordship, and maintained for His glory.  The lordship of Christ in this grand way, over and in all of life, must be evident throughout the curriculum.  A mere Bible class or a weekly chapel sprinkled on vanilla education is simply not Christian education.”

HRCA was founded upon the parental responsibility to “bring children up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)  This does not mean that there is forced indoctrination, which eventually becomes ineffective and not life-changing for our students.  Rather, a biblical worldview is blending Christian values and teachings into all subjects.  It is recognizing that God is at the core of it all and how His character is revealed in all areas of life.

For example:  God first spoke to man in word and still today through His Word, The Bible.  How awesome is it that we can communicate with one another through language, hence why we study English and other languages.  Or, how amazing it is that math is always exact, coming from a God who is perfect and orderly.

Likewise, we see tremendous value in great works of art, music, literature and more, even if they are not Christian-based.  “It is just because we have a sure standard of evaluation in God’s Word that we can be ‘in the world’ but not ‘of the world,’ educationally.”  For example, Paul, one of the Bible’s greatest missionaries, was grounded in his faith, yet capable of knowing his audiences and their cultures.

Excerpts from the booklet, Classical and Christian Education – Recapturing the Educational Approach of the Past, by Gregg Strawbridge.